Soaring Weather
Links useful for determining the Soaring weather in the next few days
- CBC Weather from Envirnoment Canada
- Kentville
- Truro
Nav Canada - Graphical Cloud and Precipitation - Atlantic Canada - 12 Hour Prediction
- 6 Hour Prediction
Current N.S. Webcamera view - Milford
- Avonport
Nav Canada - The Area Forcast (TAFs) (Plain Language) - Select Greenwood and Halifax
Predicted Upper Air Profile (requires running Java in your browser) - Halifax
Unisys Aviation Model Maps - 1 day to 4 days - 16 Graphs of Precipitation and 850 mb (5000 ft) Level Temperatures
World Cross Country Soaring Map
XC Skies Soaring Forecasts - Commercial and requires a subscription
L.Bogan - June 2004